Thursday, December 17, 2009


Now that cranky Jane is gone and the chugging of water is unnecessary the time has come to report on Drinks, the celebration of Change. This will take much patience because I drank way more then usual.

Shall we begin with the opening credits of driving bare foot to the city, the heels were annoying, so off they went. I felt all movements of the car through my foot, it's so strange how a silly shoe makes such differences.

When I parked at the usual Soho area I took off to Sephora to get my face painted. There is no other way to explain this. I said, "let's do a natural look." And I sat there for an hour as layer after layer of product was put on my face. Why didn't I stop her? I was entranced by the delicate patting of the the brush. And there is something about allowing a stranger such access.

After this face message I head to a friend's apt. The plan was to meet up with a few girls to have dinner before drinks at 9:30. I arrived with my black bag, which means more clothes, I had a difficult time deciding on which dress to wear, so I brought the second choice along to do a fashion show at her place. And now that I have time to think about it, why? Ha. A friend invites me over for the first time and I bring cloths along and commence to change in front of her. I am coming to realize that I just do things.

Anyhow, she poured me a yummy grapefruit concoction, other girls arrived and our dinner plans turned into vodka based drinks & Champaign accompanied with yummy Whole Foods rice crackers. After chit chat about school, stupid boys, and two outfit changes -- in fin I went with the initial choice, we hailed a cab. Mr. Cab driver realized that we were far too chatty to be sober, which is why he felt at ease to give us a hard time when we switched destination addresses three times. At which point one of the girls called him an ass hole and told him, "Why do you care if we're paying for it." When she said this, I thought, I love her.

At late arrival, (apparently it is acceptable for the host to arrive late, I was told this by female companions, I will take any good excuse for my lateness.) I was greeted by my advisor, who was so kind to show. I do not like the idea of not being able to come to your office to discuss my current academic dilemmas. Maybe I could stop by and talk about my bills or something? Another Professor showed -- Forgive me, but I cannot remember his name, but he was loved by everyone there, so I was very glad that he came. As for the attendees, fellow students -- what to say but I want to lightly pinch all of your cheeks. (Warning: I am going through many emotions about this Pace thing being over. It's taking me by surprise.) Dear N took it upon herself to oversee my consumption of a slider. She held the plate for me under my chin, and refused to leave until I finished it. I think she knew the ratio of food to alcohol wasn't right, so thank you love. And as for the night itself, I remember it as a sweet dance of attempting to spread attentions evenly, and if I was unfair to anyone, I apologize. There were persons who couldn't make it out, but I have to say I'm pleased with the group that did come.

When Delicatessen told us to get the hell out, a some what smaller version of the group fled to Puck Fair where the dance continued, well not really, I just love it's lulling echo. While there, seated in that booth I enjoyed the present company. I tried to explain to dear N, that pompous Anthony isn't really pompous, he is merely misunderstood. Give 'em a chance. Then good-byes were said and I didn't like it one bit.

After leaving I was kidnapped for a few hours until I sobered up. No, I'm not elaborating on this. God, mind your own business.

Okay -- I'm off to the dry cleaners --Clearly I had forgotten that wine goes in my mouth.

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