Thursday, August 5, 2010


By Kevin Tobar Pesántez

In doubting moments and fleeting skies,
an aroma of mellowed malevolence arises.
That is, when the writer forgets to write
and the reader forgets to read.
When the lover loves no more
and when the heart pumps only in discontent.
When the past is no longer a Man
and when the night turns into day.
When the river runs dry
and when the desert is no longer.
That is, when the soul will have no home
and when the body decomposes.
In doubting moments and fleeting skies,
an aroma of distant memories and blackened hope arises.
That is when the writer writes no more
and the Poet dies on distant shores.
Then the walker won’t walk
and even the waiter won’t wait for those moments gone by.
Yea, these are the doubting moments of time,
this is the world forgetting each second and minute of life.
In doubting moments and fleeting skies,
the world run over loses its aroma of life.
And the liver forgets to live,
and the dier can’t even die.
Kevin is a traveling student, poet, philosopher, performer, and artist. He is originally from Queens and although he is living quite the idealistic lifestyle many people in New York City don’t believe him! When in the city you can catch him slamming some spoken word at the Nuyorican’s Poets Café and other venues as well or checking out all the amazing summer events. He is currently working on some experimental writing work and various experimental theater pieces to hopefully develop internationally and of course bring back home to eventually perform in good ‘ol NewYork City. He is departing for Bangalore, India in the fall to be inspired once again and to get duly angry to the social injustices that are ever abundant there. All in all Kevin is a committed artist that works towards social change and spiritual balance with the prevalent modern lifestyle of dog eat dog…but stuck in a cubicle of course.

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