Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sergio D'Larosa

(Now, if I could only turn it up-right.) I am Feliz to report a follow up. Do we remember the West Village studio salon I stumbled upon? Wells, I scheduled appointments for myself and a friend, Kathleen.

While Sergio worked his magics on Kathleen I had a chance to chat a little with Jordana. From what I gathered from the conversation Jordana is up to admirable things. Gosh I wish I had recorded parts of that conversation. The idea that still lingers from that day is: Do good and good will come to you. And before this post turns into something completely different, let's continue driving.

My plan was to walk out of there with a boy cut, (I woke up in terror that morning.) but Sergio thought differently. It went: "I was kind of hoping for a big change. Sergio: "No, we're just going to cut a little off. Me: "Okay?" This is a sign of dealing with a professional. He knew what would look right, he was not going to clown me. (Clown me : Make one look like a clown.)    

Now, onto the haircut, I mean treatment. Sergio has a system which started by soaking my strands in two consecutive hair masks, one caused my scalp to tingle, the other didn't. (Nice tingle.) While, my head was in the kitchen sink I stared up at a picture that Jordana painted of her hand. Hm, was it your hand? And, yes I said kitchen sink, they converted their kitchen into a hair washing area, I had no idea it was a kitchen until I took a serious look at the stove. The cabinets and walls were painted pink and black. It may sound like a half-baked concept, but it worked, the colors bled into each other in a compatible fashion.

Then it was a shampoo & conditioning, followed by a cut, a straightening, and another cut. I kid you not, this all happened. I felt a little loved. (Yup, I seem a little sad there, no worries, I wasn't.)

While the locks were being brought back to life Sergio spoke with me about which inexpensive products I should be using, inexpensive being the key word in that sentence. He's clocked years and years of experimental time, he knows. I'd tell you what was said, but that wouldn't be fair, I can't tell his secrets.

Currently, I'm at two weeks later, and I have to say, there is a difference between now and before visiting Jordana and Sergio. Which is why I'm sitting here writing about it. The hair is healthier, the hair is shiny, the hair is thick.

Sergio D'Larosa: You may want to look into this. And if you do, bring along questions because he knows things. I went in for a haircut, and for the first time I walked out with knowledge that is doable.

And was I treated as if I were a guest in their home? Yes, I was.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I've heard so much about this salon, is it still open? How do you go about booking an appointment with him?

